B2B/B2C Specialist advising agency in Nordic and Spanish Markets with Strong focus on sustainability and digitalization
Trendspridaren, revolutioning fashion
We coordinate the sales and busines of our group brands. Shops, distributors, brands or agents can all be part of our professional network Europe is our main market, but we are open to work worldwide.
We provide fashion
We distribute exclusive brands, creating and coordinating sales teams. We work on expansion projects through our international network contacts and with own digital tools too.
Join us
Interested in sell new brands in your store?
Do you want sell your brand in another countries?
We can help! Offering you an efficient service with personalized budget.
Contact Us
Our target is help improve the sales of our partners. Request your free professional proposal without any commitment. Don’t hesitate to contact us.
Would you like your brand to spread all over Europe?
We will promote your products with a personalized approach and providing all the necessary services, like billing and logistics.
Why choose Trendspridaren?
We don´t only focus on import/export services; we also work on the introduction, first contact and product spreading for manufacturers interested on other countries markets.
With 10 years of experience on our shoulders, we got to know perfectly the market and we can offer a really competent and accurate advice on this sector.
Stores, distributors, brands, agents and designers, everybody can be part of our professional grup and take benefits. We would help you to show your brand, improve your selling, find agents and much more. Internet is one of our stronges tool trough the social networks, that´s why we have a professional team working on Trendspridaren.com.
In TrendSpridaren we love new trends.
We are also keen on, keen on new technologies, that is the reason for us to have an online marketing department to help our costumers out to make the most of their brand’s impact in the network.
Our designers
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